Consumer goods & retail
A Track Record of Success in Defense Litigation
About the service
The Consumer goods & retail practice group advises international, regional and domestic supermarket chains, fashion brands, manufacturers, and individuals on the dynamic regulatory and business issues that face the retail and consumer products industries.
Key Contacts
Flavia Asiimwe
Jillian Scott, Esq. is the managing partner of Markowitz & Mellencamp, P.C., established in 1983. Jillian has been accredited by the American Bar Association. As a leading lawyer in the firm, Jillian uses her experience and personal relationships to get results for all M&M’s clients. She is a talented and hard working attorney who never stops trying to bring another win for her clients.
Timothy Lwanga
Andrew holds a Certified Elder Law Attorney (CELA) degree, and has over 18 years of experience as a prosecutor in New York State. Andrew has personally handled quite a few high-profile cases, both as prosecutor as well as a defense lawyer. He has represented over 100 New York firms in various litigations, an has only lost once, throughout his entire career. It wasn’t his fault, the guy was clearly guilty.